Aquí puedes compartir con nosotros cualquier evento artístico, dar tu opinión o sugerir cualquier otro.
5 may 2017
10 abr 2017
24 dic 2016
La casa de Cornèlia Abril, inaugura estas navidades Cre-Art, un nuevo espacio de interacción literaria, podeis seguirnos en este enlace
12 dic 2016
Próxima inaguración en la Galería Luisa Pita
Proyecto compuesto por numerosos bocetos y fotografías realizados para la preparación de la exposición "MÍTICOS NO LEITO" que actualmente y hasta el 7 de Enero se puede visitar en el Museo do Pobo Galego
En la Galería de arte Luisa Pita vamos a descubrir la parte preparatoria, la que prácticamente nadie tiene ocasión de ver. En ella se guarda el proceso de creación de la obra y sus cambios, una ocasión única de ver la totalidad de esta muestra entre los dos espacios expositivos.
En la Galería de arte Luisa Pita vamos a descubrir la parte preparatoria, la que prácticamente nadie tiene ocasión de ver. En ella se guarda el proceso de creación de la obra y sus cambios, una ocasión única de ver la totalidad de esta muestra entre los dos espacios expositivos.
23 nov 2016
Ánxeles Penas
La artista polifacética Ánxeles Penas, nos muestra su nuevo blog,
entrar en el...
foto: Eduardo Pérez
8 nov 2016
Luisa Pita, galería de arte
La Galería de arte LUISA PITA nace como una continuidad de la actividad que la
Galería Bus Station Space, fundada y dirigida por Luisa Pita, venía desarrollando en
Santiago de Compostela desde el año 2012. Enfocado ahora como un proyecto
cultural más ambicioso, con un significado propio y personal, inicia la temporada
abriendo sus puertas en un nuevo espacio expositivo en el casco histórico
compostelano, en un edificio situado en la Rúa Cardenal Payá nº 9, comenzando con
una muestra monográfica de fotografía, "INFINITO CADUCO" de Denís Estévez.
En esta muestra, Denís Estévez consigue traer una parte de la naturaleza a la sala
expositiva y hacer visible las relaciones del ser humano con su entorno.
Sus fotografías poseen una gran carga poética en la que, el tiempo, la distancia y los
lugares en las que han sido tomadas reafirman un "diálogo" entre nuestra propia
senda interior, nuestra existencia y el camino recorrido a través del cauce de un río.
Es precisamente el río el punto de partida de su obra, río que se convierte en un diario
de idas y venidas, en las que dibuja formas simples sobre el terreno y realiza
alteraciones del entorno de duración efímera, que vuelven a su estado primitivo por el
simple paso del tiempo y las acciones naturales, representando con ello un paisaje en
continuo tránsito.
Denís Estévez inicia sus estudios del Ciclo superior de fotografía en la EASD Mestre
Mateo, en Santiago de Compostela, complementa su formación en distintos talleres
bajo la supervisión de reconocidos artistas como Joan Hernández Pijuán, Carlos
Capelán, Eduardo Arroyo y Christopher Makos.
Su obra ha sido seleccionada en el certamen de Artes Plásticas de la Diputación de
Ourense y en el Premio de Artes Plásticas Isaac Díaz Pardo.
Se adjunta a esta nota de prensa el texto que sobre la obra de Denís Estévez ha
escrito María Luisa Sobrino Manzanares, Catedrática de Historia del Arte de la
Universidad de Santiago.
Colaboran en el acto de inauguración el restaurador Siro González y las bodegas
Adegas Galegas.
Inauguración: Día 11 de Noviembre a las 20:30 horas.
Galería de arte LUISA PITA
Rúa Cardenal Payá, 9
15703 Santiago de Compostela
21 oct 2016
24 nov 2015
► Three writers on the Borders of Belonging: Brett Hetherington, Gloria Montero, Inez Baranay
Brett Hetherington speaks about rejecting the idea that a man needs to ‘be a (traditional) man’ in every situation; recognising that our own fathers were almost definitely deprived of learning from a model of a complete father; learning from women’s (typically) more honest expression of a greater range of emotions; taking heed of the fact that fathers are starting to become aware of their abilities to bring up children well; and watching out for ‘the happy game’ in ourselves and others we care about.
Gloria Montero asks how story-tellers are affected in this contemporary world where all manner of traditional borders have been broken down and where emigration has become a quintessential element. So many of us today--story-tellers and readers alike-- carry more than one culture, often two or three languages, and a background that transcends national barriers. Does this affect the stories that we are telling? Using examples from her work Gloria speaks of what this has meant to her as a writer.
Inez Baranay speaks about how her novels and stories can be seen as about people on the borders, and about the way she lives and writes on the borders, then interrogates what these borders are. She reads passages from her work as examples of writing on borders. The three writers question each other then invite questions from the audience.
Brett Hetherington is a parent and former foster-parent. He was a secondary school teacher for 15 years in Australia, Japan, England and Catalonia, northern Spain (where he has lived since 2006, teaching adults for the last three years.) Brett is a regular commentator for Australia’s ABC Radio where he reports on family and cultural life in Spain and his journalism has appeared in publications including The Guardian and Barcelona Metropolitan. He has also worked as a speechwriter and researcher for a Member of Parliament in Australia, specialising in education and social policies. Brett is currently a staff writer for Catalonia Today magazine. He lives with his partner Paula and teenage son Hugo.
Gloria Montero grew up in a family of Spanish immigrants in Australia’s North Queensland. After beginning to work in radio and theatre, she moved to Canada where she continued her career as writer, singer, actress, broadcaster, scriptwriter, TV-interviewer, producer of radio and film documentaries. Co-founder of the Centre for Spanish-Speaking Peoples in Toronto, she served as its Director until 1976. Following the success of her oral history The Immigrants she was invited to act as consultant on Immigrant Women to the Multicultural Department of the Secretary of State, Government of Canada. Since 1978 she has lived in Barcelona, writing and publishing in both English and Spanish. Her novels include titles such as The Villa Marini, Punto de Fuga, All Those Wars. Montero's theatre work, in particular the play Frida K., has been performed in countries around the world winning multiple awards.
Inez Baranay is a writer of Australian citizenship, immigrant background, transnational culture, cosmopolitan temperament. Her most recent books are the memoir Local Time a memoir of cities, friendships and the writing life, and a novel, Ghosts Like Us. In Australia, India, USA and Europe, Inez has lectured on writing issues and taught creative writing in universities, schools and community groups, given many readings and talks, been a guest at conferences, seminars and festivals, and been a resident at various international writers’ centres. She currently lives and teaches literature in Turkey.
Brett Hetherington speaks about rejecting the idea that a man needs to ‘be a (traditional) man’ in every situation; recognising that our own fathers were almost definitely deprived of learning from a model of a complete father; learning from women’s (typically) more honest expression of a greater range of emotions; taking heed of the fact that fathers are starting to become aware of their abilities to bring up children well; and watching out for ‘the happy game’ in ourselves and others we care about.
Gloria Montero asks how story-tellers are affected in this contemporary world where all manner of traditional borders have been broken down and where emigration has become a quintessential element. So many of us today--story-tellers and readers alike-- carry more than one culture, often two or three languages, and a background that transcends national barriers. Does this affect the stories that we are telling? Using examples from her work Gloria speaks of what this has meant to her as a writer.
Inez Baranay speaks about how her novels and stories can be seen as about people on the borders, and about the way she lives and writes on the borders, then interrogates what these borders are. She reads passages from her work as examples of writing on borders. The three writers question each other then invite questions from the audience.
Brett Hetherington is a parent and former foster-parent. He was a secondary school teacher for 15 years in Australia, Japan, England and Catalonia, northern Spain (where he has lived since 2006, teaching adults for the last three years.) Brett is a regular commentator for Australia’s ABC Radio where he reports on family and cultural life in Spain and his journalism has appeared in publications including The Guardian and Barcelona Metropolitan. He has also worked as a speechwriter and researcher for a Member of Parliament in Australia, specialising in education and social policies. Brett is currently a staff writer for Catalonia Today magazine. He lives with his partner Paula and teenage son Hugo.
Gloria Montero grew up in a family of Spanish immigrants in Australia’s North Queensland. After beginning to work in radio and theatre, she moved to Canada where she continued her career as writer, singer, actress, broadcaster, scriptwriter, TV-interviewer, producer of radio and film documentaries. Co-founder of the Centre for Spanish-Speaking Peoples in Toronto, she served as its Director until 1976. Following the success of her oral history The Immigrants she was invited to act as consultant on Immigrant Women to the Multicultural Department of the Secretary of State, Government of Canada. Since 1978 she has lived in Barcelona, writing and publishing in both English and Spanish. Her novels include titles such as The Villa Marini, Punto de Fuga, All Those Wars. Montero's theatre work, in particular the play Frida K., has been performed in countries around the world winning multiple awards.
Inez Baranay is a writer of Australian citizenship, immigrant background, transnational culture, cosmopolitan temperament. Her most recent books are the memoir Local Time a memoir of cities, friendships and the writing life, and a novel, Ghosts Like Us. In Australia, India, USA and Europe, Inez has lectured on writing issues and taught creative writing in universities, schools and community groups, given many readings and talks, been a guest at conferences, seminars and festivals, and been a resident at various international writers’ centres. She currently lives and teaches literature in Turkey.
23 oct 2015
15 dic 2014
MIAF-Wood International ART FAIR 2016
Próxima presentación de MIAF-Madeira International ART FAIR 2016, con la exposición "TODO EL MUNDO EN EL NUESTRO", presenta el evento INTERNATIONAL ZARCO ACADEMY OF ARTS
11 nov 2014
3 jul 2014
20 nov 2013
9 jul 2013
17 sept 2012
6 jun 2012
29 may 2012
3 may 2012
Festival libro de artista
Extracto de algunas páginas del libro-catálogo, ver mas información sobre los actos del festival en
15 abr 2012
Nueva edición
Termita Fancine (, nueva revista sin animo de lucro, cuyo único objetivo es promover la cultura, y hacer que creadores reconocidos, converjan con otros desconocidos dentro de un mismo medio.
Ejemplar número 1
7 feb 2012
Exposición Manuel Nieto
Inauguración 1 de febrero a las 18,30 en la Sala de exposiciones II, Centro Social
26 ene 2012
Exposición "QR" Goyart en capital - Madrid 2012
18 febrero 2012 a las 11.30
C.C. de los Ejércitos
Gran via 13 - Madrid
18 febrero 2012 a las 11.30
C.C. de los Ejércitos
Gran via 13 - Madrid
7 dic 2011
23 oct 2011
2 jul 2011
14 jun 2011
2 jun 2011
Manuel Quintana Martelo
24 may 2011
Feria de Arte Castellón II edición
El Grupo puntoGtres presente en
Carmen Boixadós Ruíz, con “Cristales del tiempo”. Fotografía intervenida.
María Antonia Sanchez con “Reencuentros”. Monotipos en grabado.
Sanzsoto con “Khatarsis”. Acrílicos sobre tela.
María Jesus Soler Ferrández con “Palabras rasgadas”. Obra multiple en nuevas tecnologías.
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